Welcome to handbells.eu, here you will find an overview of handbells and handbell choirs in Germany, Europe and beyond.
This project started more than 18 years ago with a website about German handbell choirs. Over the years I extended it and around 2010 I started to get an overview of European handbell choirs, mainly focusing on countries where there is no handbell organization.
Handbell Choirs in Europe

The map of Europe shows the locations of the handbell choirs in the European countries. This gives you a quick overview where handbell choirs are located. The map is designed interactively, you can zoom and get the name of the respective handbell choir when you move the mouse over it. With a mouse click you will see a short overview of the respective handbell choir in a popup window and a link to the respective page with further information.
Handbell Choirs in Germany

The overview map shows the locations of the handbell choirs in Germany. This gives you a quick overview of where your nearest handbell choir is located. The map is designed interactively, you can zoom and get the name of the respective handbell choir when you move the mouse over it. With a mouse click you will see a pop-up window with a link to the page with further information about the respective handbell choir.
Handbell Choirs worldwide

The world map shows the locations of the handbell choirs. This gives you a quick overview where handbell choirs are located in the world. This map is not exhaustive, its focus is on Europe. About references to other handbell choirs, especially in countries where not a single handbell choir is listed, I would be very happy.