Why are not all worldwide handbell choirs listed?
The number of handbell choirs worldwide is unknown, but very large. Especially in the USA, Canada and Great Britain there are very many handbell choirs. A majority of these handbell choirs are organized in national associations. For these countries, only the handbell choirs of international or otherwise important significance are listed here (so far).
For those countries where there are no national organizations, my goal is to include all handbell choirs here.
Some handbell choirs are hardly visible to the public if they only play in the local community. If they do not have a homepage either, it is difficult to impossible to learn about this handbell choir through research.
Foreign languages are a hurdle when researching handbell choirs. What are the words for handbells and handbell choir in the local language? Then there remains only the search with the help of translation programs with sometimes entertaining translations.
If you think that a handbell choir is missing from the overview, I look forward to your message with a hint.
Last update on 2022-06-12 by Jörn Diedrichsen.